September 2, 2006 - October 11, 2006
Everbody's heard the saying, "what goes around, comes around." It's a catchy way of reminding us to watch what we do, lest it come back to us. Cosmic inflections aside, such a saying may also speak of more concrete nuances, reminding our consumer-based culture that nothing is every really gone. That all of our waste will someday come back to haunt us.
Daunting, yes, but such intimidating ideals may also be inspiration, as is the case for designer Christy Fisher. The Jerome-based artist began her career in the fashion industry as a model at the age of 15. During her ascent to the top of her field, designing clothes for rock stars (Hendrix!) and closing mega deals (Disney!), Ms. Fisher began to see the "ugly side of the industry."
"The fashion industry is based on waste," she explains. "Fashion that's in now will be out in six weeks." And unfortunately, when a trend goes out, it gets taken to the curb. Literally. In a culture of supply and demand, the waste will continue to collect.
But what's to be done? Must the grind of the capitalist machine running our culture come to a screeching halt? Or can we unearth new ways to alleviate the build up of excess waste that comes from oir ever-changing industries? Can we learn to be conscientious capitalists? Kind hearted consumers?
According to Christy Fisher, we can. Her motto is "reclaim and reuse." To take waste and make it consumable again. Rather than buying fabric off of the bolt like most, she intercepts textile on its way to the landfill. Materials for her jewelry are equally raw: glass bottles, dishes and tin cans from the local dump.
Her wearable work then brings together these vintage elements with modern twists. Fabric from old dresses and silk shirts are digitally printed with contemporary designs. Recycled tin cans are turned into jewelry in her new line of "Trashion." Her retro-techno focus is the basis for her new exhibit, "What Goes Around."
The show opening coincides with the first night of Jerome's Art Walk, September 2nd. The public is invited to the opening gala from 5 - 8 pm, for refreshments and live jazz provided by the Milt Cannon Trio. Busy that night? That's ok - the exhibit will run through October 11th so you'll have plenty of time to get your trash on.
- Ashley Carter
Photos from the opening: