Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Fields in Which I Labor • New Works by Patrick Lincoln

May 3, 2008 - June 12, 2008

Jerome Madonna • Digital self portrait

Digital artist and long time Jerome resident Patrick Lincoln explains what it means to be a digital artist, “Yes, it’s true! I use only my digits to make my art! No one else’s digits are allowed.” One never knows whether to take this clever quipster seriously. Lincoln continues, “Okay, maybe I use my eyes a little, and maybe my mind, and it’s true—some heart and soul slips in there, and of course there are the blood, sweat and tears. But other than that it’s all digital.”He begins by taking a 35mm or digital photograph, often times utilizing images of Jerome, big sky western scenes, or willing and warm-blooded models. “I then input the image into my computer where I get to play ‘Look Ma! I’m a neo-impressionist, post Dada-ist, surrealist exhibitionist!’”, he jokes.

Lincoln is a well known local and tourist attraction, gregarious and engaging with visitors to town, and easy to spot from a long way’s off due to flowing and wild mane. He’s been a member of the Jerome Artists Cooperative Gallery for the past 10 years, and past featured artist shows have always been wonderful and eccentric. Last show featured a special guest-- a giant doll named “Dolly”. She and Patrick wore matching dresses and ribbons in their hair, and both shared a cigar.

Lincoln is an interesting character and has led an interesting life –his story includes past incarnations as a registered nurse, and bronco buster, not to mention a great background in spoken word and poetry slams. His artwork captures a quality of light and color not often evident with the naked eye, taking scenes and ideas we may be familiar with and enhancing them in incredible ways. His work is available in many sizes, ranging from grand scale to small, with prints and cards. “I am a gypsy grasshopper growing old, living from hand to mouth and month to month,” says Lincoln, “I am 58 years old with no wife, no pets, no MBA, no 401K, no health plan, no life insurance, no dental….but….I got a head full of hair, an eye full of art, a pocket full of poetry and damn few regrets!”

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